Cypher AFM

Nanofabrication Facility


Asylum Research





The Asylum Research Cypher and Cypher ES offer significant improvements in speed, resolution, and performance. The system uses a 3rd generation NPSTM system to offer 60 pm positional control with industry leading low noise scanners (XY<60 pm and Z<50 pm) and detector with very high bandwidth (7 MHz). 

Mode's and Techniques: 

* Contact: Uses feedback on deflection. Height, deflection, and lateral force (LFM) signals available. 

* AC: Uses feedback on amplitude. Signals available include height, amplitude/phase, I/Q, deflection, lateral; digital Q-control included. 

* Force: Force curve acquisition and mapping in contact or AC mode. Triggering/feedback allow for a wide variety of force curve modes. 

* Dual AC: Provides multiple frequency drives and analyses for bimodal and harmonic measurements and imaging. 

* Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM): Enables high sensitivity, high bias and crosstalk free measurements of piezo materials. 

* Electric Force Microscopy (EFM) 

* Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) 

* Surface Potential 

* Nanolithography 

* Nanomanipulation 

* Frequency Modulation (FM) 

* Operation in fluid Optional 

* Conductive AFM with ORCA Module: Provides low-current measurements at constant applied voltage for electrical characterization. 

* Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) 

* blueDrive Photothermal Excitation 

* Band Excitation for measurement of materials properties.

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A mandatory two hours class Introduction to Scanning Probe Microscopy is required before attending any specific training for this machine.

Jason Tresback


primary contact

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